Friday, August 10, 2018


Ethereum Limited (ETHL)

Ethereum Limited (ETHL) 
Ethereum Limited is a distributed platform that runs smart contracts, the application runs exactly as programmed without any downtime, censorship, fraud or third-party intervention.
-Ethlimited’s principles surround the creation and execution of intelligent contracts unable to break. With eth limited, users can enter a contract agreement with another party and the user is assured that they cannot be weary. Ethlimited is a platform created to control the disadvantages and flaws of the use of traditional contract systems.
-Ethlimited wants to bring sanity to the world of contracts and ensure that no one is fled and the rate of court litigation is reduced, if not eliminated. We intend to allow our users eagerly knowing that their contract can never be tampered with while holding a secret coin that is more likely to improve value and surpass value. of the current Ethereum - Ethers.
--Ethlimited is designed to allow anyone with access to computers and the internet to create a smart deal with anyone, anywhere in the world. With Ethlimited, U.S. users can create a contract with someone in South Africa without having to meet face to face. All that has to be done is to have both parties put their terms and conditions into the contract, and voila, the smart deal deals with everything.

Contracts, including terms and conditions, are executed by smart contracts. The most used smart contracts will require the invention of new architectural solutions combining blockchain with more traditional technology (Web applications, public AP, etc.). An example of this is a Web application where users can create smart contracts that can test and deploy on the blockchain. Our current product implementation allows for the creation and mobilization of capital from an ERC20 compliance token.

-The use of eth limited allows users to create non-centralized applications, Dapps, on the platform.
-This application uses two Ethereum hosted buttons, one for the main real Ethereum network and another for Testnet. Ethlimited is interested in the error correction of Ethereum blockchain.
This will allow the contracts to be fully tested by the user before deploying them. In its production environment, we will deploy with various Ethereum load balancing buttons to process the expected TRAFLC network, as well as provide high availability for eth limited users. The future development of this Web application will include a growing library of smart contracts for user selection and a market for sample contracts created by the user. This will allow non-technical users to generate blockchain transactions in the form of smart contracts that can reflect any kind of agreement in legal and business documents. The traditional technology will continue to provide the means to monitor the version of the smart contract, the username on the platform and email address corresponding to the purpose of logging.
we went a world where cryptocurrency is as normal fiat money is nowdays. A world where smart cntract are as common as cellphones, tablets and laptops. A world where people use smart contrats on a frequent basis with ethereum limited as the leading platform.


  • Ethereum Limited wants to provide a user friendly platform that will enable the creation, modification and execution of smart contracts.
  • also, to make smart contract creation as easy a signing up for an email account.
  • ethereum limited wants to see people taking advantage of smart contracts. smart contracts are not just for bussiness application. the world will find amazing ways to apply blockhain and smart cntracts to make our lives easier - and ethereum limited will be on center of that innovation.

what are smart contracts?
a smart contracts is a computerized transaction protocol that executes the term of a contract. it is a protocol that enforces the terms of the negotiations made before the finalization of the contract. it removes the need for the third parties, and still carry out very credible transactions. the transactions done by smart contracts are easy to track, view and can not be tempered with, making them irreversible.

Features, characteristics of the advantage of Ethereum Limited?
– Ethereum Limited is a very limited token that sits on the Ethereum blockchain. It is a token generated from the need; Do not interfere with external interference and to tamper with the transaction.
– Ethereum Limited is a platform built on vulnerabilities of the current Ethereum platform and gives users modified version of Blockchain – with lots of features.
– Ethlimited allows users to run smart contracts easily as repeating the alphabet. It eliminates the need for third party parasite.
In doing this, it brings more value to its users, much larger than the Ether. It is also very limited and subject to supply and demand, which agrees that the provision of electronic funds as little as each coin is valued.
– To ensure that the value of Ethereum Limited crosses the value of Ethereum, it only supplies a maximum of 10 million while Ethereum has a maximum supply of about 100 million.
In a simple mathematical term, this means that 1 Ethereum Limited is worth ten times more than 1 ethereum. Ethereum Limited aims at the price of EThere um before the year 2019 ends.
– Final transaction: We believe that proposed core values of any blockchain are invariant; Valid transactions may never be deleted or deleted, and it can be retrieved by anyone at any time.
– Manage the authorization: when something is distributed, there is nobody focusing on determining what happens or not, and it does not reside in a single location. Because eth limited is lost in focus, it naturally leveraged all the advantages of the decentralized that its users prefer
– Including Privacy: How do I guarantee privacy on eth limited?
With eth limited, the right to privacy is guaranteed because the transaction information is not flowing into a single point, they may use a lot of points to complete it. With EThe-reum, privacy is guaranteed because it is hard to keep track of information across the network.
-Ease of Use: The foundation creates smart contracts with our user-friendly. Thousands of templates ready to select will be available for customization.
Minimum cost: Using our Smart contract templates and platforms will not harm your budget. You will spend less than a cup of coffee.
Market: Can not find the smart contract form not tailored to your needs? Need a custom template, but you can’t do it yourself? Hiring a different platform user through our market.
The ETHL project is:
– Technology Blockchain
– Enhanced security system
– Multicurrency Coins
– Accepts Fiat & Crypto
– Internal Security Wallet
– No contract not charged
Ethereum Message token LIMITED address contract:HTTPS://ETHERSCAN.IO/TX/0X99F87BC040101D2AE759FCBEEFE7D50F56A951F06A25722BBE74189C7B3750E8
General offer: 10 million
Token: ETHL
Platform: Ethereum
Standard: ERC20
Preico Price: 1 ETHL = $0.5 Total Sale 1 million
Gía ICO: 1 ETHL = 0.5-$1.50 Total sale 5 million
FOR SALE markers
1,000,000 tokens
5,000,000 markers
$ 0.70 to $ 1.50
Distribution of markers
6000000 – Pre-sale and CrowdSale
500000 – landing
1500000 – Bounty Company
1,000,000 – reserve decentralization development and management team
once decentralization, no central authority determines what happened or not, and not in one place. Because Ethlimited is decentralized, it naturally inherits all the advantages of decentralization, its secrecy.
How do we protect the confidentiality of Ethlimited?
With Ethlimited guaranteed privacy because this information is not
must do at one point, they can use many points for this. With etim- reum, privacy is assured because it is difficult to track information through Network- work.
So, I can only encourage you to join your ICO if you like your project, you have 40 days remaining.
As the most interesting of the ICO data we can say that:
Token Standard: ERC-20
Token name: Ethyl
Maximum number of tokens: 10,000,000
General Sale: 6,000,000 (30% Crowdsale Bonus)
Price: 1 NTV = 0.5 USD
Lastly, remember that this is the social networking of the project, thank you for that you can keep getting information all the time. Also, if you hesitate not to wait and contact them, they will be happy to answer you.

For more information visit the link below;
Profile bitcointalk :;u=1063793
Eth Address: 0xD715ddA7d156E781E9fc5Aad7DB7301B2b8F64ca

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